Location: Cyprus
You can download the following presentations from the Nicosia Workshop:
Introductory Session
1. R&I activities on Smart Grids – Rémy Dénos
2. The role of Interoperability – Marcelo Masera
3. Smart Specialization Platform – Javier Gomez
4. Introduction ETIP SNET – Nikos Hatziargyriou
Session 1
1. Island challenges presentation – Nikos Hatziargyriou
2. RESGRID Project – Stamatios Chondrogiannis
3. The GRACIOSA Project – Marco Furtado
4. Wise PV + ERANETMED – Brian Azzopardi (coming soon)
5. SmartPVStoRES Project – Venizelos Efthymiou
Session 2
1. ETIP-SNET WG1 presentation -Raphael Rinaldi
2.1. DREAM Project – pt1 – Nikos Hatziargyriou
2.2. DREAM Project – pt2 – Aris Dimeas
2.3. DREAM Project – pt3 – Matteo Giampaolo
4. Terna Advance Dispatching – Cristiano Martarelli
Session 3
1.1. ETIP SNET WG2 presentation – Jan Hendrik Ernst
1.2. ETIP SNET WG3 presentation – Michele De Nigris
2. Storage Lab Project – Maura Musio
3. The SIREN Project – Hrvoje Pandzic
4. The ProMEThEUS Project – Daniele Trucchi
Session 4
1. ETIP_SNET WG4 presentation – Venizelos Efthymiou
2. Project SmarterEMC2 – llias Lamprinos